Upgrade Your Coaching Game With This Framework

Today I wanted to explore a different coaching model which might provide some value to you.

Coaching is a critical competency as a leader. It’s really essential in developing your people and nurturing their potential. It’s also not just about them, if you want to be more effective yourself and be a better coach then you need to develop yourself too by working with mentors and coaches who can identify your blind spots.

When I started working with a coach a while ago they introduced me to the CIGAR Model which I wanted to share with you today. Everyone is familiar with the GROW model which is a common framework in Coaching.

Quick reminder, what is coaching and why is it important?

The best way to describe coaching I find is with this old proverb:

‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’

This means rather than providing solutions or answers to your team for an immediate problem, ask them questions and focus on leading them towards solutions. It may be quicker and easier to give them solutions yourself (eat for a day) but you’re not developing their critical thinking. Coaching is about providing the tools and frameworks for your team to think and find solutions to a number of challenges (feed him for a lifetime) themselves. So next time they can find solutions themselves rather than being dependent on you. If you were coaching the issue presented, you would provide solutions and that’s what we’re usually doing wrong (me included), what we should be doing is coaching the person. Be their co-pilot. They’re still flying the plane, we’re just giving them direction and support when they need it.

CIGAR Coaching Model Explained:

In your next 1 to 1 or coaching session, try this model when a challenge is presented to you that someone needs help with. Respond by following through with each step of CIGAR and asking quality questions. Some example questions to think about.

C = Current - how do things look right now.

  • What’s the challenge we’re up against?

  • Is this the actual root cause?

  • How do you know it’s the root cause?

  • Are you sure this is not a symptom of a deeper issue?

I = Ideal - what does good or even great look like.

  • We understand the challenge now, but what does good look like?

  • What would be the ideal outcome for you?

  • If you could think of an ideal solution, what would it be?

G = Gaps - these are the blockers stopping us from achieving the ideal.

  • What do you think is stopping you from being successful?

  • What challenges are you facing?

  • What are you struggling to overcome?

A = Action - what are the steps we need to take to move towards our goal.

  • What’s your next step?

  • What’s the best course of action to resolve this?

  • Where should we start?

R = Review - unlike GROW Model, this model incorporates a review that you might complete in your next coaching or 1 to 1 session. This helps with accountability.

  • How did you get on with our agreed next steps from our last session?

  • What worked well?

  • What are the reasons you were unsuccessful with your next steps?

  • How do you think you could be more committed next time?

Hopefully, this model will provide some value to your sessions and help you to remain disciplined when you coach. Coaching is not easy and the urge to jump in and provide solutions is sometimes very strong, but consider being in that co-pilot seat more often where you are providing support and asking questions rather than trying to jump in and fly the plane.

All the best


Resources Of The Week

  • Blog Post - GROW Model - a good blog post on the GROW Model which is another effective and more common methodology for coaching.

  • YouTube - How to ask great questions - this video is gold. This 8min video gives you the best summary of how to improve as a coach and leader. 5 solid and easily actionable disciplines hosted by Michal Bungay Stanier.

  • App uDemy - this is an online training platform where you can take courses in almost any subject. I have taken 3 courses over the last year or so and found the quality and instructors to be great. You can usually find solid Leadership courses on a promo for ÂŁ10-ÂŁ20. Excellent value for a course to sharpen your skills.

Quote of the Week

“You can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame” - Les Brown


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