Show me your friends and I'll show you your future

Last week’s issue: I can do Hard Things

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What we’ll learn today

  • The power of our circle

  • What are the benefits?

  • How do I nurture a high-growth circle?

  • Tony Robbins on Fear

  • Leader vs Leader of Leaders

In the journey of leadership, one of the most overlooked yet critical factors for success is the quality of your circle - the network of individuals who surround and support you.

“Show me your friends and I'll show you your future” - Jim Rohn

Your circle includes mentors, peers, colleagues, friends, and family—people who shape your perspectives, offer guidance, and challenge you to grow.

Today, we’ll explore the critical role your circle plays in shaping your leadership journey and share strategies to cultivate and harness this invaluable resource.

Early on, my growth circle wasn’t as effective because I wasn’t surrounding myself with the right people. I was like a "big fish in a small pond" or the "smartest person in the room"—a situation that doesn’t support true growth.

The turning point came when I reassessed my circle. Over the past 15 years, this shift has had a profound impact on my development. My circle has been a constant source of inspiration, feedback, accountability, and support, helping me navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and unlock my full potential.

Whether you're leading a team, driving a project, or pursuing personal growth, the people around you are crucial to your success, offering insights, encouragement, and guidance to propel you forward.

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Why is it beneficial to build your circle?

1/ Mentorship – Mentors are crucial in offering wisdom, guidance, and perspective to developing leaders. Tapping into the experience and expertise of seasoned mentors allows you to sidestep common mistakes, learn from their wins and losses, and fast-track your professional growth. A diverse network of mentors brings a variety of viewpoints and insights, enriching your leadership path and broadening your perspective.

2/ Constructive Feedback and Accountability – Having trusted individuals who provide candid feedback is key to both personal and professional development. Your circle serves as a source of valuable input, challenging your assumptions and holding you accountable for your actions and decisions. Constructive criticism enhances self-awareness, drives growth, and helps you uncover blind spots and areas for improvement.

I don’t have a strong circle, or my current one needs improvement. What can I do?

1/ Be Intentional – Building a meaningful circle takes deliberate effort. Identify people who share your values, goals, and aspirations, and put in the time to cultivate those relationships. Be proactive in seeking mentors, attending networking events, and engaging with peers who inspire and challenge you.

2/ Give and Receive – Strong relationships are built on reciprocity. Offer your support, guidance, and expertise to those in your circle, and be open to receiving their help in return. Foster a spirit of generosity, collaboration, and mutual respect, where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute.

3/ Be Authentic – Authenticity is the cornerstone of meaningful connections. Be genuine, open, and vulnerable with your circle, building trust through honest communication and integrity. Authenticity deepens relationships, promotes mutual respect, and creates lasting bonds.

4/ Nurture Continuously – Relationships require ongoing attention to thrive. Stay in touch with your circle through regular check-ins, meaningful conversations, and shared experiences. Celebrate their successes, offer support when needed, and show appreciation for their contributions. By consistently investing in your relationships, you strengthen the connections that support you on your leadership journey.

Final words

In conclusion, your circle plays an integral role in your personal and professional growth. Whether it's mentorship, constructive feedback, or the support and accountability you receive, the people around you influence your leadership journey in profound ways. Building a strong and diverse circle requires intention, authenticity, and a commitment to both give and receive. By surrounding yourself with individuals who challenge and inspire you, you open yourself to new perspectives and opportunities for growth.

Remember, relationships are a two-way street—they thrive on reciprocity and mutual respect. Continuously invest in your connections by nurturing them with care, trust, and genuine interest in the success of others. As you strengthen your circle, you’ll not only enhance your own growth but also contribute to the growth of those around you. A thriving circle is one of the most powerful tools for leadership development and lasting success.

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David Marsh

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