
Morning Leaders,

Everyone sees the world very differently based on their own beliefs, values and experience. We always need to consider other’s point of view.

I can categorically tell you now, you will improve your decision making process, emotional intelligence and drive up engagement, if you invite your team to contribute and share their opinion on a new idea, challenge or decision you are working on.

Millions of businesses globally use CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) surveys to find out where they need to improve. Straight from the horse’s mouth as they say. Customer perspective can be incredibly valuable to a business to help drive better decision making and go from good to great.

Leaders often make decisions with the right spirit and intent but it’s received or executed poorly because they don’t consider their audience. One thing I have seen great success in is employee satisfaction surveys. These can quickly surface anonymous valuable perspective and help drive improvement efforts into areas senior leadership would never have considered.

Photo by Jesse C

At Apple, it was often common for a front line analyst to return to their cube from lunch to find the late Steve Jobs sitting at their desk.

What on Earth was the CEO of the company doing coming down to the frontline? Why didn’t he just go via the chain of command?

Because Steve understood the value of feedback directly from the source, he wanted to speak to the person closest to the problem, to get the truth, understand the actual impact and get their perspective.

We all know what happens when facts are passed around too many times.

The passing down of information through the various layers of leadership might have blurred the problem or feedback for Steve, which would have impacted the decision he needed to make.

Photo by Oskars Sylwan on Unsplash

We cannot see everything from where we are sitting. We need our team and people to point out when we are off base. This starts by encouraging your people to speak up, including them in your process and ultimately creating a space where they feel comfortable challenging you and pointing out when you are wrong. Because if you haven’t realised by now, Leaders get things wrong.

Remaining humble and open to different perspective will help you incredibly. Perspective provides a different viewpoint or way of looking at things, and if we don’t consider it you are missing an opportunity to be successful.

All the best


Resources Of The Week

  • Web Resource - Personality Test - great icebreaker exercise for your team or new hires. Discover what their personality is and find out why they might do what they do.

  • Book - James Kerr - Legacy. Great story on why the New Zealand All Blacks were such a formidable force and so successful. Why? They lived by 15 core leadership behaviors which all great leaders should adopt.

  • Book - The New Manager’s Handbook. New to Management or considering a role? or want to brush up on your skills? This is the book for you. The 101 of Management. 24 crucial lessons to being successful in your role.

Quote of the Week

“You can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame” - Les Brown

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Hello, My name is David, I am a Tech Leader, Blogger and Runner from Hove, UK. Every week I write a Newsletter covering Leadership and Personal Development and anything else I came across which will add value to your journey and inspire you to take action.

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