Our Circle of Influence

Hey Friends,

The old saying goes “who we spend time with is who we become” rings very true.

Just like the metaphor of frogs in boiling water, if a frog is thrown into boiling water, it will jump straight back out again and won’t be affected, it doesn’t like the environment, it’s not suited to the frog. If on the other hand, the frog is placed in cool water and the heat is gradually turned up until it’s boiling, the frog will not be aware of the changing environment until it’s too late and they are boiled alive.

This metaphor is the same in our own environment, the people we spend time with have a profound effect on our mindset and outcomes. We can be unaware of the influence of other people on us as it gradually builds up over time. We subconsciously begin to adopt our environment’s values, beliefs and thinking, for good or bad.

Photo by Margarida CSilva on Unsplash

Be aware of who you run around with, and the impact your immediate network has on you.

“Birds of a feather flock together”

Is your immediate circle a positive supportive thriving tribe? or is it slowing you down and negatively impacting your mindset, aspirations and progression.

The impact on your thinking and behaviours, and ultimately your success is hugely driven by the people you spend time with.

Photo by Mehdi Sepehri on Unsplash

If you aspire to be a manager, or run your own business, are the people who you are spending most of your time with helping you get to that next stage? or do you need to find some new people?

Focus on spending time with people who raise you up, who hold you accountable, who share a growth mindset and who genuinely want you to prosper.

Who are you spending your time with?

All the best.


Resources Of The Week

Blog Post - Overcome your Fear of Public Speaking. Whatever field you are in, if you hold a leadership position it’s likely you will need to speak in public. In this post I run through my experience and what things you can do to dramatically improve your performance.

Book - The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz. This book is old but gold. Probably one of the first personal development books I read. It has so much value and wisdom including strategies to help you upgrade your thinking and improve your future prospects. You’ll be surprised at what you can achieve when you think big and build out a plan. Excellent book.

YouTube Video - Jack Welch - What is the role of the leader? Jack was a hugely successful leader at GE. He talks through the importance of finding meaning in your team’s work, and why as leaders we need to remove blockers from our team’s environment to ensure they can be successful.

Quote of the Week

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”- Jim Rohn

Motivation Hit

Tony Robbins - Who you spend time with. In the spirit of this newsletter, Tony talks through the importance of surrounding yourself with passionate people. Hope this inspires you to evaluate your immediate circle.

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