New Arrival

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my first newsletter on Leadership, Management and Productivity.

You are receiving this as you signed up to one of my recent courses on leadership or productivity management so I thought this would provide you with some follow on value. If you disagree, please feel free to hit the unsubscribe bottom at the bottom, I promise not to include you moving forward!

You still with me?

Excellent! My plan is to drop this email into your inbox once a week.

My 3 Goals of this weekly email:

  • Add value and provide resources to support you on your journey

  • Help you become more competent and confident within your own role

  • Inspire you to take action and improve daily

What I might include:

  • Leadership and management insights from my own experience

  • Strategies and techniques that you can apply

  • Resources to help you develop and improve

  • Books, books, books and more books. You need to read.

  • Documents and actionable steps which you can apply today

Please feel free to reach out if you have any challenges in your job or things you would like me to share my perspective on.

Thanks for reading.


Resources Of The Week

  • YouTube Video - Simon Sinek - Do You Love Your Wife. This interview is fantastic, Simon talks through how all the small things make the difference, not anyone thing.

  • Book - Matthew Syed - Black Box Thinking - Wow, I was blown away by this book. I would recommend this to any one, not just leaders. It details why learning from our mistakes is so significant. This is illustrated tremendously when it compares the disparity in how different industries such as Aviation and Healthcare approach and learn from failure.

  • Productivity Tool - Boomerang for Gmail. This tool is great for maintaining an organised and zero inbox. When an email hits my inbox and I don’t need to action immediately, I’ll hit Boomerang and specify a day/time for it to hit my inbox again as a new email.

Quote of the Week

I thought this one was very fitting after I recently read Matthew Syed’s book on Black Box Thinking.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.“ - Thomas Edison

Motivation Hit

  • David Goggins - Be Uncomfortable - this guy is a machine. Ex Navy Seal and he has established an unstoppable mindset by doing something uncomfortable and that sucks everyday. Check out this video to be inspired.

Photo by Andrey Kremkov on Unsplash

Hello, My name is David, I am a Tech Leader, Blogger and Runner from Hove, UK. Every week I write a Newsletter covering Leadership and Personal Development and anything else I came across which will add value to your journey and inspire you to take action.

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