Managing Up Effectively

The process of actively cultivating a productive and positive working relationship with your manager

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What we’ll learn today

  • What is managing up?

  • Why is it important for career growth

  • Actions you can take to be effective

  • What questions you can ask your leader

Managing up refers to the process of actively cultivating a productive and positive working relationship with your manager or supervisor. It involves taking the initiative to understand their goals, priorities, and communication styles, while also proactively communicating your own needs, challenges, and achievements.

Effective managing up can be a game-changer for your career growth and job satisfaction.

One of the primary benefits of managing up is that it fosters better communication and alignment between you and your manager. By actively seeking to understand their expectations, you can ensure that your efforts are aligned with their priorities, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or wasted effort. This clarity can lead to increased productivity, better performance evaluations, and stronger advocacy from your manager for your professional development and advancement.

Managing up also demonstrates your proactive approach and leadership potential. By taking ownership of the relationship and driving effective communication, you showcase your ability to take initiative, manage stakeholders, and navigate organisational dynamics. These are highly valued skills in today's workplace, and managers often view employees who manage up as more engaged, capable, and promotable.

How do I do this? What specific steps can I take?

1. Understand Your Boss’s Goals and Priorities

Understanding your boss’s goals, priorities, and pressures is fundamental to managing up.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Regular Check-Ins - if you don’t have 1 to 1s, schedule them. This will help with alignment for you to understand their broader objectives.

  • Active Listening - pay close attention to what your leader emphasises in meetings and casual conversations. What is important to them?

  • Ask Questions - don’t hesitate to ask questions that help you understand their priorities and the bigger picture. This demonstrates your interest in aligning with their vision.

    Try “I wanted to ensure we’re aligned for the week ahead, these are the things I am prioritising, are these the right areas to focus on?”

2. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is key to managing up. This involves clarity, timeliness, and appropriateness in your interactions.

  • Be Concise - when communicating, especially in emails and reports, be concise and to the point. Leaders often have limited time. Don’t come with problems, come with solutions and recommendations.

  • Regular Updates - keep your boss informed about your progress, challenges, and any potential issues. This builds trust and keeps them in the loop.

  • Preferred Communication Style - adapt to your leaders’s preferred communication style, whether it’s email, face-to-face meetings, or instant messaging.

3. Anticipate Needs and Offer Solutions

Anticipating your leaders’s needs and providing solutions before being asked can significantly enhance your value.

  • Proactive problem solving - identify potential issues early and propose solutions. This demonstrates foresight and initiative.

  • Resource preparation - before meetings, prepare relevant data and insights that your boss might need. Is there a pre-read needed? What could you do to ensure the meeting is productive?

4. Align Your Work With Their Goals

Ensure that your work aligns with your boss’s goals and the organisation’s objectives.

  • Goal setting - during performance reviews or planning sessions, discuss how your goals can support your boss’s objectives.

  • Show impact - when presenting your work, highlight how it contributes to broader organisational goals. This makes your work more relevant and appreciated.

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5. Build Trust Through Reliability

Trust is crucial in any working relationship. Be someone your boss can rely on. Continue to show up and deliver on what you say you will.

  • Consistency - deliver high-quality work consistently. Meeting deadlines and following through on commitments builds a strong reputation.

  • Honesty - be honest about what you can and cannot do. If you foresee an issue, communicate it early rather than overpromising.

6. Adapt to Their Working Style

Adapting to your boss’s working style can make interactions smoother and more productive.

  • Flexibility - be flexible in adapting to their preferences, whether it’s how they like reports formatted, their meeting styles, or decision-making processes.

  • Observation - take note of their habits and preferences and adjust your approach accordingly. For instance, if they prefer quick morning updates, adjust your schedule to accommodate this.

7. Offer Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback can be valuable, but it needs to be delivered thoughtfully. It should be a one way street, in the spirit of your partnership, feedback to your leader is critical to ongoing success.

  • Timing and Sensitivity - choose the right time and approach to offer feedback. Be sensitive to your leader’s perspective and workload.

  • Focus on Solutions - frame your feedback around potential solutions rather than just pointing out problems. This makes the feedback constructive and actionable.

8. Develop Mutual Respect

A relationship based on mutual respect fosters a healthy working environment.

  • Acknowledge their expertise - recognise and respect your leader’s experience and expertise. Show appreciation for their guidance and decisions.

  • Professionalism - maintain a professional demeanour, especially in disagreements. Respectful communication can prevent conflicts from escalating.

9. Provide Support and Be a Team Player

Supporting your leader and being a cooperative team member enhances overall productivity.

  • Be Available - offer to help during busy periods or with challenging projects. This shows your commitment and team spirit.

  • Collaborate - foster good relationships with your peers. A well-functioning team reflects positively on your leader.

10. Invest in Your Own Development

Continuously improving your skills and knowledge not only benefits you but also makes you a more valuable asset to your leader.

  • Seek Feedback - regularly ask for feedback and use it for self-improvement.

  • Professional development - take advantage of training opportunities, workshops, and other resources to enhance your skills. This proactive approach to your growth can inspire confidence in your boss.

Final words

Managing up can contribute to a more positive and rewarding work environment. By fostering a respectful and open relationship with your manager, you create a foundation for constructive feedback, open dialogue, and mutual trust. This positive dynamic can lead to increased job satisfaction, better morale, and a more engaged and productive team overall.

This critical skill can have a significant impact on your career trajectory. By actively cultivating a positive relationship with your manager, aligning your efforts with their priorities, seeking mentorship and guidance, and fostering open communication, you position yourself for success, growth, and increased job satisfaction.

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David Marsh

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