How I achieved My Annual Goal

Last weekend proved to me again that when you have a goal and actually commit to it, you can achieve it. For a long time now I have had a goal of running a quicker 5k run but have constantly fallen short.

Regular exercise or running should form part of your own personal or leadership development plan. There is a ton of research on the benefits exercise has on not just your physical body but your mind too. Sharpening your mind and your thinking will make you better.

What was my Goal?

Run 5 kilometres in less than 19 minutes by end of 2022.

How long had I been pursuing this goal?

2 years +

man running on road near grass field

I recognised at the beginning of 2022 that I was continuing to do the same things and expecting different results. I wasn’t improving, just staying at the same level of running 5k times in a time between 19:07 to 21:00.

If you want different results, do not do the same things. - Albert Einstein.

What was my result at the weekend?

I ran a 5k Parkrun in 18 minutes and 7 seconds on 30th April 2022. My previous best was 19 minutes and 7 seconds. I shaved a whole minute off.

4 Things I did differently to get a different result

  1. Accountability Partner - I brought the goal to my coaching sessions with my coach so we could map out a plan and the action items I would take, when I would take them and when I would report back on progress. I had someone holding me accountable to a plan that I needed to execute on.

  2. Equipment - I looked at my Strava App and noticed my £50 Nike trainers (which is not a lot for a decent pair of running shoes) had clocked up almost 300 miles. I researched a decent pair and purchased them, I noticed an immediate physical difference where I felt like I had a spring in my step and also a low backache seems to have now subsided. This is a lesson for all of us, you don’t necessarily need to buy the most expensive equipment but make sure you’re using decent tools and equipment to support you and set you up for success. Poor-fitting or warn out tools could be hindering you.

  3. Practice - a big one, to run faster you have to train and practice. This is true for almost anything. You have to practice or do something different than what you’re doing today. What you’re doing today has only got you to this point. I went from doing one 5k run a week to at least 3 runs a week with variations including hill sprints, Fartlek and longer runs.

  4. Better People - hanging out or going running with people that are quicker than you will help you greatly. When I participate in Parkrun I always run quicker times because a) I try and stay with the pacers or other quicker people and b) at the end I always focus on picking people off in front of me and finishing strongly. Like anything in life, play with people at the level above, they’ll raise you up and you’ll improve quicker. Who is in your circle and better than you?

The goal is just the destination point. Taking the right action consistently will get you to your goal, who you become as part of that journey is usually the most rewarding.

Hope this helps


Resources Of The Week

  • Book - Talk like TED. Some of the secrets to the success of the TED Talks revealed. Ted talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking around the world.

  • YouTube Video - Simon Sinek - How Great Leaders Inspire Action. This is a classic speech from Simon on how leaders inspire action by starting with Why.

  • Organisation - Toastmasters - Toastmasters is a global education company promoting communication, public speaking and leadership. There are clubs you can join all over the world.

Quote of the Week

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotton - Tony Robbins

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