Home Team Advantage

Tony Robbin’s quote “who we spend time with is who we become” rings very true to me.

The people we spend our time with and the environments we hang out in shape and influence our beliefs, values, and mindset, which ultimately drives how we behave and what we achieve.

Ensure you’re benefiting from the Home Team Advantage. This means having raving fans and people encouraging you and supporting your journey. Just like a fan of a sports team. This will give you the edge and help you to keep going and win more often.

people near green field using smartphones

Most of us are unaware of the subtle influences our environment and the crowd we hang out with is impacting us. Negative, fixed minded and energy-draining people are never going to serve you well.

As you grow and gain more experience in your field you will begin to increase your awareness of the influences in your life. Developing more Emotional Intelligence will help you identify these areas.

What are the types of people that give you a Home Team Advantage?

People who:

  • Think Big

  • Challenge you

  • Are Positive

  • Take action themselves

  • Have big self-belief

  • Are ambitious

  • Provide you with opportunities

  • Care deeply about you being successful

  • Are rooting for you

  • Tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to

  • Have a Growth Mindset

  • Inspire you

  • Are open and honest

  • Support you

  • Set you up for success

  • Celebrate you

  • Provide timely candid feedback

  • Set goals

  • Mentor you

Be aware of the people contributing and influencing your journey, are they potentially hindering and preventing you from thinking big and achieving great things? or are they elevating your thinking, supporting you, and helping you grow and prosper? Ensure you’re always benefiting from a Home Team Advantage.

All the best


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Resources Of The Week

  • TedTalk - Marget Hefferman - Dare to Disagree - great TedTalk on why disagreeing actually sparks creativity and new ideas. Don’t be an echo chamber, challenge the status quo.

  • Book - Matthew Syed - Black Box Thinking. When incidents happen on an aircraft, investigators learn a lot from the black box on board. This forms much of the theory behind this great book. What can we learn from evaluating the data from our everyday life? How can we use this data to improve ourselves? Just like investigators use data from black boxes to improve the safety of Aviation. A very eye-opening read illustrating a shocking disparity in how different industries such as Aviation and Healthcare approach and learn from failure.

  • Blog Article - Leading by Example. Mindtools is a fantastic resource to all employees. There are loads of resources for leaders to help develop their own competencies. Bookmark!

Quote of the Week

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. - Helen Keller

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