Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Hey Friends,

I wanted to share a concept with you. This had a profound effect not just on me but my approach to hiring and talent acquisition. It also helped me reflect and make sense of why some people succeed and why others do not. The concept is Carol Dweck’s Fixed vs Growth Mindset, which are coined terms to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence.

People with a Fixed Mindset believe they are born with a fixed level of intelligence and they cannot develop or improve. They believe they are a result of their circumstances and they cannot change this, they have accepted their limitations. They’ll blame others for their misfortune or failure, and throw in the towel. They don’t set big goals or strive to improve.

Photo by Norbert Kundrak on Unsplash

People with a Growth Mindset are humble and approach things very differently. They believe their intelligence, skills and experience can be developed with practice and persistence. They set a higher standard for themselves. They believe just because they are in this position today does not mean they cannot be in a different position tomorrow by taking big action. They see failure and setback as part of the journey and upgrade required to get them to their goals, they know they will make mistakes but these are all learning opportunities and helping them get better.

Fixed vs Growth Mindset

People who succeed do not get there without getting things wrong and failing. It’s the perseverance and adjustments to their approach that gets them to their goals and relentless appetite to move forward and improve. They keep going. They assess the mistakes, learn from them and go again and again.

What Mindset do you have?

All the best.


Resources Of The Week

Book - Dr Carol Dweck - Mindset - changing the way you think to fulfill your potential. See what is possible when you change your thinking.

Blog Article - Seven Surprises for New Managers - common management misconceptions from the team at Mindtools. Great resource for all leaders.

YouTube Video - Simon Sinek - Why good Leaders make your feel safe. Probably my favorite speaker and author, Simon Sinek speaks about how great leaders create the right environments for their people so they can thrive and feel safe.

Quote of the Week

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it” -Muhammad Ali

Motivation Hit

Eric Thomas - How Bad Do You Want It. The original video from motivational speaker Eric Thomas. This video propelled him forward and he is now well known as one of the most famous motivational speakers.



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