Find Meaning

Hey Friends,

Do you know why you do what you do? Do your people know why they do what they do?

As a leader or an aspiring leader you need to think about people’s motives and ambitions.

When people enjoy what they do and feel content, they will have a sense of fulfillment and enjoy coming to work.

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

What’s your team member’s motivation and what do they enjoy doing? What tasks or activities will be in line with their own values?

Helping your people understand where the business is going and why it’s going there will add a lot of colour. Why does the business exist? What’s it’s core purpose? Why should they be on board?

Most importantly, what’s in it for them if they come along for the journey? Could be:

😀 Learning new things

😀 Sense of belonging

😀 Recognition

😀 Involvement

😀 Contributing

😀 Growth

😀 Progression

😀 Fulfillment

😀 Responsibility

😀 Solving problems

😀 Money

😀 Stability

😀 Flexibility

Make it your mission to guide your people to find meaning in their work, and help them understand why their work is important to them, to the team, to the business and to customers. They are not just a cog in the wheel.

Discovering a path for your people to find meaning in their work is a huge step towards driving up engagement levels and having a humming environment.

All the best.


Resources Of The Week

Book - Daniel H. Pink - Drive - in the spirit of motivation and meaning, Daniel’s book deep dives into why intrinsic motivation beats extrinsic motivation over the long term. Also covering the surprising truths about what motivates us.

App - Blinkist. Do you ever read books and think there was a lot of fluff in there? Blinkist saves you hours with it’s premium book summary app which condenses hours of reading down into a 10-15 minute summary for you to read or listen to. Try this app to save you time and learn quicker.

App - Asana. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. This app is a to-do list on steroids. Get organised and track your daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Best thing is it’s free.

Quote of the Week

Be the chief meaningful officer” - Jack Welch

Motivation Hit

Denzil Washington’s commencement speech - inspiring speech from 2011 at the University of Pennsylvania student graduation.

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