How can you exhibit more executive presence

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What we’ll learn today

  • What is exec presence

  • How do you exhibit it?

  • Key areas to focus on

  • Benefits of exec presence to your growth

  • Book recommendation

Executive presence sounds like one of those buzzwords, but it's clearly something important.

I realise I've made the mistake of not fully grasping what executive presence looks like in practice. What specific behaviours would demonstrate this quality for example?

We've spent years honing our skills, growing as a leader, and developing a strong understanding of our team. But if we truly want to be transformative leaders, there's another equally important skill to nurture: executive presence.

I know what some of you might be thinking: "Isn't it all about stuffy suits and fancy titles?" Absolutely not. Executive presence in today's tech world is about something far more valuable –– It's the ability to inspire confidence, command respect, and articulate your vision to drive real change.

Let's break down why it's absolutely crucial for tech leaders like ourselves.

First things first: executive presence is not a mask you put on. It's about showcasing an authentic, amplified version of your best self. People respond to genuineness, so start by owning your strengths.

This self-assurance translates into the decisiveness that's vital for our fast-paced world. Leaders who hem and haw, or pass the buck on tough calls, erode trust and momentum. Executive presence gives you the conviction to make informed decisions and stand by them, even when the path forward is uncertain.

Now, let's talk about communication.

We can have all the brilliant ideas in the world, but if we can't communicate them effectively, they're useless.

This isn't just about knowing your environment and what’s important. It's about translating a problem or complex idea into language that stakeholders, business partners, and even the non-technical folks in our teams can grasp. Clarity and conciseness are your allies here.

Learn how to frame the 'why' behind your recommendations, not just the 'how.'

Beyond the words you speak, nonverbal communication carries enormous weight. Pay attention to your posture, your eye contact, and your overall energy. Confidence is contagious, but so is hesitancy. Before you even open your mouth in that high-stakes meeting, people are already forming an impression.

Executive presence is also about how you manage your emotions and reactions. In those inevitable moments of stress, frustration, or conflict, it's easy to succumb to reactivity. This is when composure earns dividends. It doesn't mean being a robot – show passion and conviction – but channel it productively. Staying grounded in challenging situations projects stability and makes people more willing to follow your lead amid chaos.

Now, here's something that might surprise you: Executive presence is intrinsically linked to empathy. Tech leaders who cultivate a genuine understanding of their teams, clients, and the broader impacts of their work stand out from the crowd. This means actively listening, seeking diverse perspectives, and showing a willingness to adapt based on the needs of others. Tech doesn't exist in a vacuum, and the most effective leaders see the bigger picture.

But why does all this matter, beyond just looking good on paper?

Because executive presence is a catalyst for success on numerous fronts and will help you grow as a leader:

  • Career advancement - Let's not pretend otherwise – being noticed by the right people matters. Executive presence makes you memorable. You become known as someone who can handle greater responsibilities, bigger projects, and more complex challenges.

  • Building trust & influence - with strong executive presence, you inspire trust in your judgment and your ability to lead. This translates to smoother collaboration, stronger buy-in, and an increased ability to drive change and innovation.

  • Building high-performing teams - people want to work for leaders they believe in. Teams rally around those they see as competent, composed, and empathetic. This attracts top talent and builds a culture where people thrive.

Newsletter Recommendation —>

Remember, though, that executive presence is not a one-size-fits-all formula. It's about developing your own unique brand of leadership presence. It's also not something you simply 'achieve'– it's a continuous journey of growth and refinement.

Here are a few tips that have worked well for me:

  • Find strong mentors - look for leaders who embody the qualities that make up executive presence. Learn from them, emulate their successes, and seek their honest feedback.

  • You need to do the reps - practice and practice some more, being intentional and getting outside your comfort zone is important. Take on public speaking opportunities, lead high-visibility projects, and actively seek situations that challenge you.

  • Get feedback - ask trusted colleagues or coaches for candid observations about how you come across. Don’t forget those blindspots.

Additional reading material - Executive Presence by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

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David Marsh

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