Daily Leader Tip: Spotlight Effect

The spotlight effect is a cognitive bias that describes a belief that everyone is always watching you.

We believe people are paying a lot more attention to us than they really are.

The real truth is most people are wrapped up in their own self-doubt and challenges, and worrying about what you’re doing is not front and centre.

How do we deal with this?

A couple of ideas:

1/ You’re not the star - don’t assume everyone is watching you or thinking about you, they have their own challenges and life worries. You be you.

2/ Get feedback - feedback should be a 2-way street with your direct reports, colleagues, friends and family. If you’re concerned about something or just curious, ask.

3/ Actively listen - it can be easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and feelings. Instead of doing this and letting those thoughts fester, focus on actively listening to what others are saying and be less self-focused, this will help you become more in tune with others’ experiences.

4/ Failure - true leaders are courageous, they’re willing to be wrong and make mistakes. Adopting this mindset where you’re happy to be wrong and get rejected at times means you worry less about others’ opinions because you’re already comfortable with falling flat on your face occasionally.

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