Daily Leader Tip: Public Speaking 🎤

Public speaking is not easy, whether in front of 5 people or 100+ people.

I have found a few things that really help:

1/ ✔️ Material

Do not attempt to memorise the whole speech.

Bad idea.

Instead, use bullet points as reminders for the areas you need to hit on.

It may feel comfortable knowing it word for word, but it sounds robotic and unauthentic.

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man standing near podium

2/ ✔️ Subject Matter Expert

If you are talking about a topic, be as knowledgeable in that area as possible.

You want to get to a point where you could easily talk for 20-30 minutes on your chosen subject when your speech is only 10 minutes.

This will reduce your preparation time dramatically as you’ll already have the foundational knowledge.

3/ ✔️ Vocabulary

Start increasing your vocabulary now.

You'll want to work on articulating your message in a way that people understand, can absorb and feel inspired.

Free 1500 words here to help you.

4/ ✔️ Practice, practice, practice

Repetition is the mother of skill.

Imagine the difference between your 1st attempt and your 50th.

Record yourself so you can see the areas that need work.

The more times you practice the more the content begins to stick and flow, and you rely less on your notes.Subscribe for more ideas to help you GROW 🚀

All the bestDavid


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