Daily Leader Tip: Parkinson's Law

“Humans expand to fill the responsibility given.” 🕐

This is a game-changing productivity tip. 🚀

Parkinson’s Law is the old adage that work expands to fill the time allotted.

  • If you give yourself 2 weeks to complete a task, it will take you 2 weeks.

  • If you give yourself a day to complete a task, it will take a day.

Take going on holiday.

You’ll normally have 101 things to get ready including packing bags, organising insurance, changing money up etc.

You know you have to get it done, otherwise, you cannot go on holiday.

Based on discipline and focus you manage to get a huge amount achieved in the last 12 hours before you rush to the airport.

When you are committed and have to get something by a certain time, you’ll be amazed at how much you can get done.

You'll pull in extra resources, get creative with your time and get whatever you are working on done.

When you give yourself less time to focus on a task, you commit to actually doing that task only.

What task or project could you be applying a tighter deadline to?

All the best



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