Daily Leader Tip: Limiting Beliefs 🐘

Limiting beliefs have a profound effect on how we lead our life.

Tony Robbins shared a good example to help understand this. 🐘

When visiting a circus he noted that there was this big giant elephant with just a small rope holding him down to the ground, this giant elephant could easily rip down the whole circus let alone the rope, but he doesn't, why?

elephant walking during daytime

Because he is conditioned.

From a young age, the baby elephant is tied up with a big rope. The baby elephant will try to pull and struggle for a long time to get free, and then one day the baby elephant just accepts it cannot pull the rope out of the ground.

This becomes the baby elephant's identity, and he no longer tries.

He accepts this belief. 🐘

We all have our own limiting beliefs. Whether it's we're no good at something or we'll try when we have more experience.

Whatever it is, just because we are not there today doesn't mean we cannot be there tomorrow with the right mindset.

We can acquire new skills, new experiences, and new knowledge and ultimately become a better version of ourselves. 📈

It starts with believing that we can and taking action.Subscribe for more ideas to help you GROW 🚀

All the bestDavid


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