Daily Leader Tip: Kaizen Philosophy

Is Kaizen built into your teams’ philosophy?

Kaizen is the Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement".

This process is at the heart of Toyota’s success and enables teams to improve, even without major resources.

brown wooden letter blocks on white surface

Great leaders have an immense hunger to improve things for a better tomorrow.

They’re up to something, whether that’s taking dated processes and improving them, root-causing mistakes or identifying potential icebergs coming their way and taking proactive steps.

Improvement can be a long road at times and there will be up and down moments, but having Kaizen as a guiding principle for your business, team and customers will never leave you straying too far off the road to success.

Things don’t always get better overnight but with small adjustments over a period of time, it's incredible what can be achieved.

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