Daily Leader Tip: High Hope People

Living with high levels of hope is far more exciting.

High hope people are motivated towards a positive future as they believe it can be possible and take action towards it.

High hope people:

  • Have a purpose

  • A plan

  • Cultivate positivity

  • Set goals

  • Bounce back from a setbacks

  • Look for the opportunity

  • Stay humble

If you don't have hope for a brighter future or goals you're working on that will help you get there, you are not going to have the willingness to take action, put yourself forward and drive on.

landscape photography of person's hand in front of sun

Very much living in the present.

High hope people recognise the present is more bearable because they see themselves in the future which gives them the hope to work towards it.

You’re not the same person today as you were 3 years ago and you won’t be the same person in 3 years’ time either.

You’re currently investing in your future self.

Writing down a goal which is meaningful to you, mapping out the how and driving towards it will help you develop hope and a strong feeling of optimism that the future is looking good.

Try it.

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