Daily Leader Tip: Get Uncomfortable 🙋🏻

When you challenge yourself or do something that is uncomfortable, it’s hard!

This discomfort helps you grow.

Forget everyone else you read. You need to stretch yourself in order to grow.

6 things that always work.

  1. Keep turning up, embrace the discomfort

  2. Start with the difficult things first

  3. Stay consistent every day

  4. Adopt a growth mindset

  5. Ask for help when you need it

  6. Evaluate what’s working and what’s not

Over time you’ll become more competent and confident in what you’re doing.

Things become a little lighter and less uncomfortable too.

You’re investing in your future self by doing difficult stuff.

Your future self will be a lot more confident and successful.Subscribe for more ideas to help you GROW 🚀

All the bestDavid


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