Daily Leader Tip: Creating the Environment

As leaders, it’s all about creating a wonderful environment in which our team can flourish in.

Understanding your team’s environment and ensuring they have fulfilment, purpose and a path to success within their roles drives up engagement significantly.

windmill on grass field during golden hour

Here are a few things to focus on:

➡️ Empower and inspire - grant your team the power and authority to voice their opinions and manage their own work.

➡️ Remove the clutter - what obstacles are in your team’s way from being successful?

➡️ Accessible - ensure you’re available to listen, coach and mentor them through their projects, questions and challenges of life.

➡️ Enlist - get them involved in the decision-making process where possible. Their perspective will be different from yours and could unlock better decisions.

➡️ Communicate - transparency and early communication are huge. Always ensure you’re explaining WHY.

➡️ Example - always set an example to them with your own behaviours so they know what the expectation is.

➡️ Learning - nurture an inquisitive culture where people are always learning new things and stretching themselves.

What things do you do in your environment to cultivate an optimistic and positive team culture?

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All the bestDavid


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