Daily Leader Tip: Compound effect 📈

Small gains add up and compound. 📈

  • 15 pages a day = 1 book a month and you're more knowledgeable. 📖

  • 10 mins meditation a day = 5 hrs of self-care monthly and you're less stressed. 🧠

  • 2 litres of water a day = 60 litres a month and you're feeling healthier. 💦

  • 5k run twice a week = 40k a month and you're feeling stronger and fitter. 🏃

Whatever goal you're working on, break it down into bite-size portions.

You'll be amazed at how quickly you can work towards that big goal.

It's the combined effort that counts, not the one event.

Look at the 1 step you need to take today, rather than the 30 this month.

person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs

Small consistent repeated steps will result in huge gains.

Start today with that first step.Subscribe for more ideas to help you GROW 🚀

All the bestDavid


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