Daily Leader Tip: Belief System

Do you believe in yourself?

Your thoughts and emotions drive your results.

Confidence comes from having a feeling of belief in yourself and what you are doing.

It starts by overcoming any thoughts or negative self-talk, that you aren’t good enough or won’t succeed.

Make a conscious decision to just turn up.

Thought > Emotion > Decision > Action > Results

What can I do to build more belief and confidence in myself?

  1. Daily task - do something every day that sucks, that gets you uncomfortable. Whether it’s a 5k run, having a difficult conversation with someone or doing something you keep putting off. Just do it.

  2. Circle of influence - go hang out with experienced, inspiring and confident people. Perhaps people who are where you want to be.

  3. Speak up - whether it’s in a meeting or a large group. Share your opinion. Speak up. Say something.

  4. Fail quickly - if you suck at something, that’s okay. With practice, you can master it and this will establish confidence in you, but you need to work on it. Try, fail, get feedback, iterate, try again.

You will make mistakes and fail along the road but don’t stop, keep going.

If you want to upgrade yourself, progress in your career and lead a more fulfilling lifestyle, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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