Daily Leader Tip: 16 Job Satisfaction questions

Your goal as a leader should be to maintain low levels of external attrition.

If people are regularly leaving the organisation or team, then something is off.

Don’t wait until someone hands their notice in to ask them if they’re happy in their role.

Find out today.

The answers to these questions will provide a great barometer of the general sentiment of each person in your team.

1) Goals - do you have clear goals within your role?

2) Goals - do you know what your areas of strengths are, and what you need to improve on?

3) Purpose - does your job relate to the wider purpose of the company?

4) Purpose - can you see why your work is important and makes a difference?

5) Values - do your values match those of the company?

6) Values - do you find the company’s vision and what it’s aiming to achieve worthwhile and important?

7) Control - do you feel that your voice is heard?

8) Control - do you feel that you are trusted to carry out your work?

9) Talents - do your talents match the work you’re doing?

10) Talents - do you feel competent and confident in your job?

11) Belonging - do you have a sense of belonging within this company?

12) Belonging - does the company culture match your needs?

13) Recognition - are you appreciated here?

14) Recognition - do you feel you're paid fairly for your performance and role?

15) Growth - are you challenged and stretched within your role?

16) Growth - do you feel that you are progressing and growing?

Asking these questions to each person in your team will help you understand how satisfied and engaged they are within their role.

Having these insights isn’t much help without action, once you’re armed with the data, map out a plan, task list, and timeline to begin working through your biggest opportunities which will help you improve your employee experience.

All the best



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