9 Behaviours to Look For in Your Next Hire

Hiring is such an important responsibility of any Leader. Ensure you’re committing time to improve your interviewing skills and hiring the right people is essential.

If you don’t get hiring right, you’ll be setting yourself and your team up for a lot of pain.

You might have a high performing and engaged team but if pollute the waters with the wrong people then you are destined for a rough time.

three women sitting at the table

Whatever the role, these behaviours and areas stand true.

9 Behaviours to Look For in Your Next Hire:

  1. Core Values - what are your company values? What does your company stand for? Whatever the values, you need to bring in people who can demonstrate and exhibit these values. Ask specific questions around each value and ask them to provide a recent example of when they demonstrated that value.

  2. Accountability - we all make mistakes, that’s part of learning and growing. But do we take ownership of our faults and fix them? or do we brush them under the carpet and keep making similar mistakes.

  3. Critical Thinkers - don’t hire followers. Hire people who can think critically, contribute and challenge you. You want people who can solve problems, not those who constantly see the blockers and complain.

  4. Drive - a hunger and desire to move forward. You don’t just want a team of pros, you need some balance, but you do want people who are hungry. Whether it’s to further their career, improve the customer experience, or solve complex problems. You want people that have the desire, turn up consistently and are always looking to make themselves and the company better.

  5. Integrity - do they tell the truth? Are they doing the right things even when no one is looking? This should be an absolute minimum requirement for any role. You need honest and reliable people.

  6. Resilence - can they pursue through the ups and downs of the role? Can they tackle that challenging customer conversation and come out the other side strongly? Finding people with a good level of stress and ambiguity tolerance is a must.

  7. Outlook - you want optimism and positivity in the camp. Hiring people with good energy, a forward thinker and someone that sees the blessing in the rough situation.

  8. Growth Minded - they don’t see the setback as a setback, they see it as an opportunity to get better and overcome the blocker. Success is really just a series of failures and mistakes. Growth minded people believe in themselves and know they’re growing through the process, not going through it. Always look for a Growth Mindset.

  9. Team Player - we’re stronger and more powerful as a collective. “Teamwork makes the Dream work”. Hire team players who are going to coach their fellow colleagues and contribute to their success. Hire people who will always do things for the good of the team and with the right intent.

Building a high performing team takes time, but being patient and bringing the right people in will make a huge difference to the success of the team and everyone’s experience.

All the best


Resources Of The Week

  • Ted Talk - Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix by Tasha Eurich. Tasha talks about we believe we're self-aware, but in reality, the facts point to a more sobering truth. She has made a surprising discovery about human perception. In this illuminating talk, Eurich dissects common misbeliefs about introspective thinking and provides a simple way we can get to know ourselves just a little bit better.

  • YouTube - Brandon Burchard - What Great Leaders Actually Do. When I discovered this video I was instantly glued. Brendan talks through the 6 Es of Leadership and what behaviors make us great leaders.

  • Book - Eat That Frog by Brian Tracey - this book shows you how to organize each day so you can zero in on these critical tasks and accomplish them efficiently and effectively. 21 ideas on how to overcome procrastination and get more things done.

Quote of the Week

““Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was – and still is – the most important thing we do.” - Marc Benioff

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