6 Exceptional Benefits From Journaling

Morning Leaders,

I kicked off a new habit this year…. Journaling! I semi-attempted it during 2020 but never really gained much momentum and didn’t do it long enough to reap the rewards. I have managed to maintain this habit at least 3-4 times a week now for the last 3 months and it’s really helping me find more clarity and understanding in myself. I previously used a digital journal which can be a distraction with other apps and emails on it, but I think one thing which has made me stick to this habit is moving away from a digital journal and back to a good old pen and notebook in a quiet space. The main things I’ll journal about are:

  • Thoughts and Feelings

  • Goals

  • Daily Focus

  • Gratitude

  • Things Learned

  • Ideas

  • Win List

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

So what are the benefits of spending some of your time journaling? There are loads, but here are 6 exceptional reasons why I think you should try it:

1) Introspection - putting your thoughts down on paper helps you self reflect and be more aware of your thought process and patterns. As leaders, we need to self reflect and consider who we are, our purpose, our values and where we’re going. You’ll be surprised how you view things when you generally think about it, write stuff down and look for the opportunity rather than seeing a setback as a reason to give up.

2) Goals - by reflecting on our goals and reviewing our progress to date we can map out our next steps and what we want to achieve next. Jotting down why we didn’t act on that task or why we feel discouraged helps us gain clarity and re-focus our attention and efforts.

3) Creativity - a journal can be a great repository for any creative ideas that you come up with on a daily basis but don’t have the tools or time to put them into practice right away. Sitting down in a quiet space with a notepad and pen removed from the noise helps you think clearly and ideas flow better. Documenting all the small steps of your journey will help you see the bigger picture that is forming and come up with ideas on how to progress forward.

4) Emotional Intelligence - making notes and writing down your feelings on paper helps with not only self-awareness but pretty much all the major areas of Emotional Intelligence. When you are more emotionally in tune with yourself and your people you are going to communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships and be able to adjust your approach to help your people be their best.

5) Stress Management - clarifying your thoughts or what’s causing you discomfort in your mind helps you fully explore and release those emotions involved. It’s always a stress relief getting your worries and thoughts down on paper. Processing difficult situations can help with the internal narrative that we tell ourselves (which is often negative) and move forward into the future rather than dwelling on previous events.

6) Gratitude - focusing on the positive events and things we are grateful for will do wonders for our mental health. Avoid beating yourself up on mistakes or things you feel anxious about, those thoughts chip away at your confidence and cause discomfort. Instead, deliberately feed your mind with positive events and things you are grateful for. Maintaining a Winning List will also help you reflect back on key accomplishments this month, quarter or year when you need a boost.

Abraham Lincoln is often quoted for having said, “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” The meaning is that one should spend more time in preparation. The saying is similar to the proverbs, “measure twice, cut once” and “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Journaling is not something people think they have time for as they won’t see any immediate benefits, but similar to Abraham’s quote and what all good leaders should do is look for habits that prepare them well mentally for the challenges ahead. By maintaining this habit over the long term you are slowly sharpening your saw and becoming more in tune with yourself and your environment. This ultimately will help you to become far more effective at what you do.

All the best


Resources Of The Week

  • Mindful App - your work can be stressful and it’s difficult to switch off in the evenings as our emotions run away. Meditation has historically had a bit of a stigma attached to it, but it is becoming more and more mainstream. The benefits are overwhelming including reducing anxiety and better focus and self-esteem. Years ago running/jogging was not very mainstream, now look at it. I favour the Calm App as Tamara Levitt is a calming influence on me. Try something new today!

  • YouTube - Evan Carmichael Confidence Series - Evan put together a series of daily confidence-building videos from celebrities to motivational speakers delivered via YouTube directly to your inbox everyday. 254 days to Unstoppable Confidence.

  • Book - David Goggins - Can’t Hurt Me - this guy is an absolute machine. Ex Navy Seal and has completed the hardest ultra marathons on the planet. If you want inspiration from someone who has built incredible resiliency and an unstoppable confidence, this book is for you.

Quote of the Week

“A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to become. It is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember, and dream.” - Brad Willcox

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