5 Great Ways to Celebrate your Team

Celebrating your team and recognising their good work should be an intentional daily or weekly activity.

Reflecting back on the earlier stages when I began working in IT I was never told I was doing a good job. It was demotivating.

A group of friends at a coffee shop

I was working hard and executing tasks and projects but my boss at the time never stopped to take a moment to celebrate the work and recognise me or the team.

As humans we need feedback, we need to know if what we’re doing is working or on the right path.

Sometimes it helps to prevent imposter syndrome from creeping in too.

“Am I doing a good job? No one has said I am not? But they also haven’t said I am, I must be doing a bad one?”

It also saps morale when someone works hard at something but isn’t recognised.

Make it your task this week to recognise some folks in your team!

I’ll give 5 ways you can do that below.

If you haven’t already, you know what to do:

5 Great Ways to Celebrate your Team

Let’s go!

1) Customer Surveys - send surveys to your customers and ask them for feedback on your team’s interactions or service.

What you do:

  • Share the feedback comments with the team member and ask if they’re comfortable with you sharing with the team? If so, you’re good to go.

  • Share in the team channel!

2) Personal Video - use Loom, it’s free. I love this one! It adds heart and meaning to the words rather than just sending a message or Slack.

What you do:

  • Record and send them a 1-3 minute video using Loom.

  • Thank them and recognise some good work they have done.

  • Share your screen with some data during the recording to add more weight to the recognition.

    • “You really make a difference to our customer experience, thank you.”

    • “The work you’re doing is adding so much value to our customers, thank you”

3) Personal Email with senior Leaders - this not only allows you to celebrate with other leaders but also gets the individual on the senior leader’s radar that they are a great employee and doing good things.

What you do:

  • Send your team member a personal email highlighting a customer comment or some work they have done.

  • CC in your Leader and your Leader’s Leader to jump on the praise train and all celebrate the individual.

4) Customer direct recording - this is extremely powerful at enforcing how important the work your team is doing and the impact this has on the customer. It carries a different level of weight well above the impact your feedback has.

What you do:

  • When you receive a glowing review from a customer, reach out to the customer while they’re hot and ask if they wouldn’t mind recording a message.

  • Send them this: “I noticed your super positive feedback on the survey on 5th November regarding your interaction with Lucy, I was wondering if you would be happy to join me on a quick 5 minute Zoom call to share your feedback in a recording? Only needs to be 30-60 seconds in total.” 

  • Once you’re on Zoom, hit record and ask them this question:

    • “Would you mind sharing a message to Lucy and talk through the impact and difference Lucy made to you during your recent interaction?”

Either share the recording with your team or privately with the individual and your Leader.

5) Team/company meeting - in your next team or company meeting highlight some individuals from your team. This should be one per month or per quarter.

What you do:

  • Add the customer comments to a PowerPoint and include a photo

  • Praise the good work and celebrate with the rest of the team or company

Recognition and praise are drivers. People get fulfilment and reward when they feel valued for their contribution and know they’re doing a good job.

If you regularly give authentic and deserved praise to your team you’ll not only elevate their engagement, you’ll also leave them feeling a lot more fulfilled within their roles.

All the best


Resources Of The Week

  • Productivity Tool - Focus Keeper/Pomodoro Timer. Struggling to focus? Try this. This is a simple app available on iPhone and Android or you can Google “count down timer”. You are essentially committing 100% focus to get your single task done in 25 mins. It works because you are working with time rather than against it. Try just focusing on one thing.

  • Resource - Loom. This is a free cloud-based video recording and sharing platform which allows you to quickly capture a recording and send to someone. It allows you to store up to 25 videos and record videos of up to 5 minutes for free. There is a big opportunity to do more videos and add more meaning to your messages. Try it today.

  • YouTube - Brandon Burchard - What Great Leaders Actually Do. When I discovered this video I was instantly glued. Brendan talks through the 6 Es of Leadership and what behaviours make us great leaders.

Quote of the Week

“I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers, and that people flourish when they are praised.”- Sir Richard Branson

Last week’s issue: Eat a Frog Every Morning

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