17 Things Winners Do


A winners mindset is something we could all benefit from to improve ourselves. Winners are not necessarily people who win at everything, they are people that have character, that shakes off the losses, and have an appetite to be better every day.

They’re inspiring and can influence the people around them with their positivity and energy. Adopting a winner’s spirit into your team and culture can pay huge dividends for you and your people.

17 Things Winners Do

1) Persistence - whatever you’re working on and however many times you screw up, if you know what you’re shooting for matters and will have an impact, keep going. If the path was easy everyone would be doing it, you will have bumps and setbacks as your run down your goal.

2) Hang out with other winners - winners surround themselves with positive and inspiring people who lift them up when they’re struggling and direct them when they need focus. Look at your circle, is it benefiting your journey or hindering it.

3) Adopt a Growth Mindset - your thinking has a huge impact on your success. People with a Growth Mindset are humble and approach things very differently from someone with a Fixed Mindset. Growth Minded people believe their intelligence, skills, and experience can be developed with practice and persistence. They take ownership. They believe just because they are in this position today does not mean they cannot be in a different position tomorrow by taking big action. What Mindset do you have?

4) Eliminate the noise - negative media, people, or any unnecessary influences within your space should be eliminated. Winners ask themselves the question “Is this helping me get to my goal?”. If it’s not, then part ways.

5) Vision - winners have a vision of their future self. What do they look like in 3, 5, or 10 years’ time? A clear image of a potentially positive future state is powerful. It provides direction, it provides optimism, and most importantly it helps us to keep going.

6) Goals - without goals, how we do measure progress? Set goals and objectives for what you want to achieve. Goals give you focus, direction, and a target to hit which helps you consider even the smallest of decisions.

7) Humble - winners have confidence and self-belief but are not arrogant. They are supportive of the people around them and grateful for how far they have come and the opportunities that have opened up. They mutually respect everyone around them and are always looking for ways to give back and help others.

8) Rest - switching off and disconnecting from any activity helps you recover. Don’t over do it. Winners take time away from their craft to reset themselves and focus their minds on other things. This enables them to come back stronger and more creative ready to achieve their goals.

9) Work ethic - winners work hard, they know the hard pays off. You’ll be surprised what opportunities open and things fall into place when you work hard at something. You create your own luck. If you don’t remain disciplined and focused you’ll not achieve your goals.

10) Turn up - turning up is the land of opportunity. Most people don’t when it gets uncomfortable or tough. Continue to turn up and work on your craft.

11) Celebrate - winners celebrate and recognise the small wins. Smalls wins build confidence that you’re making progress which is hugely significant. Humans are goal orientated, we want to feel like we’re moving forward and making progress.

12) Plan - you have your ambiguous goals written down, but what’s your plan? The plan doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs to be a starting point that you can pivot on if needed. If you spend too much time formulating a perfect plan you’ll never actually take the first step.

13) Exercise - exercising is the secret sauce, you heard it here first. Exercise has so many benefits. The release of endorphins during exercise reduces stress, clears the mind, and improves self-esteem. Creativity peaks, you are sharper and it’s of course good for you physically too.

14) Take Ownership - only you can decide what you want to achieve and how you respond. Take ownership of your misses, take ownership of your opportunity and focus on what you can do to improve every day.

15) Courageous - winners are willing to take calculated risks and get uncomfortable in pursuit of their goals. They are open to trying new things and looking for a new path. Going against the grain at times and challenging the status quo will open up new possibilities as everyone is going in the opposite direction.

16) Evaluate - not all things are going to go to plan, sometimes a path we’re on will not lead us to where we need to go. Periodically evaluate your goals and your plan, is it working? Do you need some help? Could there be a better way? It’s important that we re-evaluate our journey and ensure we’re heading in the right direction or if we need to make some changes.

17) Action - winners achieve great success because they’re always on the move, they are up to things. They have goals, aspirations, and a vision of what they want for themselves further down the line. Big goals seem overwhelming but can only be conquered with that first step. Start small, but get started.

Winners don’t always win, they fail, they screw up and they get things wrong. But they remain humble, they take ownership of their mistake and fix it. They also continue to turn up and grind, they remain courageous and have a huge appetite to improve themselves and the people around them every day. Winners also recognise that they need to enjoy the process, the person they’re becoming in pursuit of that goal is often more rewarding and fulfilling than the actual goal, stay with it, you got this.

Hope this helps


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Resources Of The Week

  • TedTalk - Wendy Suzuki - The brain-changing benefits of exercise - What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Book - Austin Kloen - Show Your Work. If you are looking to build a personal brand or contribute content online but are feeling uncomfortable with putting your voice out there, then this is the book for you. It’s a quick read with 10 very actionable principles. This book really resonated with me as I am currently working on my own belief system and sharing my work on a daily basis.

  • Book - Stephen R. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This beloved classic presents a principle-centered approach for solving both personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and practical anecdotes, Stephen reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity.

Quote of the Week

“Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.” 

- Edwin Louis Cole

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