10 Common Ingredients Prevalent in All Successful Teams

So why is it that some teams achieve far greater results than other teams with more resources, investment, and time?

It really comes down to the effectiveness of the team and how the team members work together. The cohesiveness, the environment, and the combined effort of all of the individuals are critical, is everyone contributing and rowing in the same direction? or do people have their own agendas and living in fear?

Being part of a high-performing team is a special experience. But teams don’t just become effective or engaged overnight, it’s a consistent effort from the leader and everyone on the team.

So what are some of these ingredients?

1) Trust - Trust is a big one and usually starts with people being more vulnerable with one another on their own experiences and opportunities. Team members in trusting teams have meaningful relationships with one another. There are high levels of trust and candor. They feel psychologically safe to challenge their team and their leader. They also engage in healthy conflict because it’s for the good of the team and will lead to more creativity and better results.

2) Kaizen - the Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous improvement. Teams with a Kaizen ethos challenge the status quo and always ask the questions “How do we improve and make things better?” “What can we do to elevate and provide a better experience for our customers?”

3) Celebrate Success - there are going to be ups and downs of the work a team is doing, it’s important to weather the storms and celebrate the small and big wins as a team. Small wins build momentum. Small wins build belief. Small wins make progress. Don’t forget to celebrate when you’re winning.

three men and one woman laughing during daytime

4) Values - whether they are company values or they’re values agreed on by the team leader. Values ensure consistency, values ensure people are marching in the right direction and behaving in a way that is common with the other team members. It’s then on the team and the leader to hold everyone accountable for those values.

5) Purpose - teams with a purpose don’t just see the work as work. It’s more than that. They can attach a high meaning that the work they’re doing matters, to themselves, to their people, and to the customers they serve. They feel empowered, motivated, and fulfilled. This is something we should be nurturing as leaders, speaking to our people and ensuring they understand their purpose and the value the work they doing brings.

6) Support - they support one another. They mentor and coach new people into the team and ensure they have the tools and resources to be successful.

7) Good Ancestors - everyone in the team is building and contributing not for just today but for tomorrow and the future team members. It’s about contributing to the team and leaving it in a better position than when they joined.

8) Sense of Belonging - great teams make everyone feel welcomed, valued and that their contribution matters. The environment is inclusive, positive and respectful of everyone’s perspective and background. People want to be part of it and stick around.

9) Enjoyment - they make the work fun. Great teams enjoy what they do because they have a sense of enjoyment and camaraderie with their fellow team members. There is positive energy, no one takes themselves too seriously and everyone loves working with their colleagues. It’s not all about the work, great teams take time away from the work to have fun and work on their relationships. When is your next offsite or team outing?

10) Leadership - the leader is responsible for nurturing and creating an environment where the team can thrive. It’s about enlisting the team and empowering them to make decisions and contribute to the goals.

Which of these characteristics are missing from a team you lead or a team you’re part of? I am sure we could all improve or work on some of these areas.

All the best


Resources Of The Week

  • YouTube Video - Simon Sinek - Trusting Teams - The 5 Practices. How do we create an environment in which our people can work at their natural best? Leaders are not responsible for results, they're responsible for the people who are responsible.

  • Book - Legacy by James Kerr - Legacy is a unique, inspiring handbook for leaders in all fields, and asks: What are the secrets of success sustained success? How do you achieve world-class standards, day after day, week after week, year after year? How do you handle the pressure? How do you train to win at the highest level? What do you leave behind you after you’re gone?

  • YouTube - Brandon Burchard - What Great Leaders Actually Do. When I discovered this video I was instantly glued. Brendan talks through the 6 Es of Leadership and what behaviors make us great leaders.

Quote of the Week

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. - Michael Jordan

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